So I tried this method last night. I soaked up a Q-tip with my CVS eye drops and held it to a blemish for about 10 seconds. Walaaaa! All the redness vanished! The blemish was almost unnoticeable. So this works. Treat your blemish(es) with Eye Redness Relief Drops prior to putting on make up, and you'll use a lot less concealer/foundation than you otherwise would. Beautiful!!
What are some of your fun and easy methods?
That's so neat! I'll have to try that...The only trick I can think of is, I use clear nail polish over the little 'MAC' writing on my lipsticks and lipglasses so that it doesn't rub off! =)
That's smart!!!
new blogger!!! welcomee to the blogging world =)
Your great, I'm lovin your posts!
So usefull! you really know your stuff!
AnneNguyen - thank you for the warm welcome :-) You know, I've always wondered, why do I love all this beauty stuff so much? Is something wrong with me? Its like a job...well, it sort of is since I am a make up artist part time, but still...haha, and then I found this amazing beauty community where everyone has such similar interests. I love it!!
Emma - thank you! I look forward to creating more and more posts and reading yours!
I totally love you for posting this info. I'm definitely using that next time I breakout- Keep 'em coming!
thanks for the tip!
I use Neosporine on a blemish at night and it really clears it up by morning. Also I love mixing regular sugar with my clenser and using it to exfoliate my skin - it is super cheap and really works!
Tricia - thanks for sharing that! And adding sugar to your cleanser is such a great idea. Do you have a post on that?
I have the most annoying pimple on my chin right now and it will not go away! I just tried soaking visine in a q-tip and putting it on, and it's just so red and stubborn and nothing happened :( Arhghh thanks for the tip anyway, i think my pimples have super powers. No acne cream makes them go away either, i just have to wait until they finally clear up :(
Kendra - oh bummer! The eye drops help but they probably work best with just regular blemishes. Its ok that your pimples have super powers...its not forever! Your skin should definitely calm down with time. Have you tried spot treatments? Murad has a good one, and Neutrogena too!
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